Do we really need to read another article/research to accept the huge problem of climate change?
Try to spend a day without air con, fan (hand fan is allowed) then you will get to feel how many people & animals are surviving in this weather. And, once you felt that you will never forget to carry your own bag while stepping out.
Governments are trying to do whatever they can do within their capacity but all of us also need to do our own tiny bit for this cause.
I can’t find any better place than my 2 previous generations to learn the needed skills for 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) philosophy.
We, at weaving Happiness are striving hard to inculcate this life skill of 3Rs via this art form.
Out of many other dimensions of our 3R initiative, let me introduce this new product for our user testing phase.
We observed that it is a common practice to get a carrier bag with every drink that we purchase. We were thinking to have some reusable carrier with minimum amount of Yarn.
We have come up with this design and we would like to give away first 20 pieces for user testing. Feel free to raise your hands up if you would like to support us in improving this product.